Terms & Conditions

1. Coaching:

The process of supporting individuals or groups to achieve their goals, enhance their performance, and maximize their potential. Coaches use various techniques and strategies to facilitate personal and professional growth.

2. Coachee / Client:

The individual or group receiving coaching services. They are often referred to as coachees or clients and actively participate in the coaching process.

3. Coach:

Coach Don Martinez provides coaching services. Coach Don Martinez uses their expertise, skills, and knowledge to guide and support coachees in reaching their objectives.

4. Coaching Agreement/Contract:

A written agreement between the coach and the coachee that outlines the terms, expectations, and goals of the coaching relationship. It often includes details such as the duration of the coaching, frequency of sessions, fees, and confidentiality.

5. Goals/Objectives:

The desired outcomes that the coachee wants to achieve through coaching. Goals can be related to personal development, executive, business, career advancement, skill enhancement, or any other area of focus.

6. Action Plan:

A detailed plan that outlines specific steps and strategies to achieve the coachee’s goals. It includes measurable objectives, timelines, and identified resources.

7. Assessment / Feedback:

The process of gathering information about the coachee’s strengths, challenges, and areas for improvement. Assessments may involve self-reflection exercises, personality assessments, or feedback from colleagues or supervisors.

8. Active Listening:

A fundamental coaching skill that involves fully focusing on and understanding the coachee’s words, emotions, and intentions. Active listening promotes effective communication and enables the coach to ask relevant and insightful questions.

9. Powerful Questions:

Thought-provoking questions that encourage self-reflection, exploration of new perspectives, and the discovery of solutions. Powerful questions stimulate critical thinking and support the coachee in gaining clarity and insight.

10. Accountability:

The coach’s role in holding the coachee responsible for acting and making progress towards their goals. Accountability ensures that the coachee remains committed and focused on their desired outcomes.

These terms provide a general overview of common coaching concepts, but it is important to note that coaching practices and terminology may vary among coaches and coaching approaches.

Coaching practices regarding refunds and missed sessions can vary depending on the coach and the specific coaching agreement or contract. Here are some general points to consider:

It is essential to review and discuss the specific refund and missed session policies with your coach before entering a coaching relationship. The coaching agreement or contract should outline the terms and expectations regarding these matters to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts in the future.